Removable Locking Bollard Special
Looking for security bollards around your temporary access areas? Whether it’s for emergency vehicle access, construction access, delivery access, or just looking for a visual deterrent for pedestrian-friendly areas, the Removable Locking Bollard is the perfect fit.

Our Removable Locking Bollard is easy to install and can be used alongside fixed bollards for an adjustable security barrier or alone as temporary access barriers.
- Self-closing hinged lid ensures pedestrian safety
- Designed for areas requiring restricted or temporary vehicle access
- Great for emergency and authorized vehicle entrances
- Easy installation and removal
- Available finishes are galvanized, primed and painted
- Can be ordered in any color
- Mold-in or mold-on graphics option
And now we’re offering it for a special summer sales price:
- Bollard: 42” high 4” schedule 40 galvanized steel bollard with 18” below ground
- Ground Sleeve: 18” – 5” x 5” galvanized square ground sleeve with hinged closure plate
- Bollard cover colors: yellow, red, black, light gray, light blue, and urban bronze
- Bollard: 42” high 6” schedule 40 galvanized steel bollard with 18” below ground
- Ground Sleeve: 18” – 7” round galvanized ground sleeve with hinged closure plate
- Bollard cover colors: yellow, red, black, light gray, light blue, and urban bronze
The galvanized bollard and floor sleeve will protect the post against collecting water, rusting, and locking up the removable feature altogether.
If you’re interested in temporary access bollards and barriers, contact us today for more information on our Removable Locking Bollards special!